Monday, December 12, 2011

She is RAD to me.

My baby sister, Amanda seemed to have gotten the short stick in life. For those who are not familiar with her background or are story let me set the stage. Amanda and her half-sister Britnee, also my sister, are both adopted. I was a young teenager when we adopted them and was completely thrilled to have two little sisters. Britnee is a teenager nearing her completion in high school. She plays piano, always seems to be happy, and is one of my dear friends. Amanda is a few years younger. One of my favorite things about her is the way she loves my kids and how amazing she is with them. The hard part has been her life long struggle to cope with who she is. She has something called Reactive Attachment Disorder. If you are not familiar with it, please do your homework on it. Amanda does not deserve this, neither do my parents. Her first year of life handed her abuse and neglect and because of what her birth mother did or did not do, Amanda now greatly suffers. She has lived at Hope House for over a year now. I have honestly become numb to the fact that my baby sister is not someone I can see or even call when I want. My son, especially adores her and is lucky to see her once a month. She is only 14 but has dealt with more junk in life than I have and I am more than twice her age. She does not love or even like the person that she is, and to make things worse does not even get to live with her family who would love to try to show her there is hope for her and she is loved. My parents made the extremely tough decision to place her in a group home for struggling teenagers who have some of the same difficulties she does. It was not a decision supported by everyone around us, but it is what saved my parent's marriage and our family. A year later it often seems to me that we have gotten no where and I just want her back, but know she will likely fall into the same destructive behaviors she dealt with while living at home. Now I don't even know what to think or do. I know that I missing out on being a part of my baby sister's life and my kids don't get to see their aunt. It really is just not fair and that is really how I feel. Luckily, there is hope. Sometimes it seems like very little and this is one of the few times I am actually letting my guts out to be seen. My family is literally scattered all over the world. My baby brother lives in Korea, my other brother is away from his wife and selfessly sacrificing for our country as he is deployed. Britnee and I are the two siblings near our parents. If you're reading this, thank you. Pray for my sister and for the strength of my parents. We need wisdom. We need hope. We have it in the Lord, but the road ahead seems very long.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Who Knew Pee Could Be So Exciting?

I think my biggest joy today was Hudson FINALLY going potty for me! He has gone for Justin and Mema, but seemed to be playing a little game with me. Today he finally went under my watch and I couldn't praise my little guy enough. Seeing the smile on his face as I praised him was pretty amazing though. He is just a few days shy of his 3rd birthday and there is hope that this little guy will soon be graduating from daytime diapers. Next on my rejoicing checklist--seeing Avonlea walk. She has taken a few steps here and there but I am sure in no time she will be waltzing everywhere. Oh the simple joys my kids bring!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A True American Hero

Today my not so little brother deploys to the United Arab Emirates. I am just a small piece of this puzzle as I process the emotions running through my mind. I cannot even imagine but Char, his wife, and my parents are feeling, and none can truly feel how Caleb does. He has been in the Air Force for over 5 years now and received his orders for deployment one week after marrying Char in September. They have been through a lot this year as they lived apart for 9 months and when they were finally reunited, Caleb was called for duty. These men and women who enter the military knowing there is a possibility of deployment truly are heros, and that word does not fully express how brave and selfless they are. My thoughts are with all of us who love and support Caleb, but more than anything this will be a true time of prayer and diligent conversation with God. If you are reading this, please pray for Caleb, Char, our families, and anyone else in the midst of this same situation. My love, admiration, support, and prayers to my little big brother who is truly my hero. Love you Ssgt. Miyauchi USAF deployed to the UAE 11/4/11.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Help Mommy!

Today Justin wanted to give potty training with Hudson a try. He got out the "bribery" toy and brought Hudson into the bathroom, well, he carried Hudson in while he screamed, "Help Mommy!" I love that kid.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What do you say?

As stated earlier, my main goal in this blog is to be certain I document funny things the kids say and do, so there will probably be many short ones as I remember and observe funny things. My current favorite of Hudson: I am trying to teach him please, he does thank you quite well. If he wants something I naturally say, "What do you say?" His reply?? "Say" :)

Trying to conquer potty training-attempt 1,245!

I have been trying off and on for months to at least get Hudson to even sit on the potty! 99% of the time he screams, "Potty no!" I feel like I have really tried everything in the book of potty:) Books, bribery, candy, cool underwear etc. Justin wanted to buy Hudson a toy that we could basically flash in front of his eyes to entice him to try. At first Hudson ran to the toilet trying very hard to get something out, sound effects were included--mainly grunting. I found some very cheap Transformers stickers for Hudson's chart. For now, he has only gotten stickers for sitting on the potty, which lasts about 2 seconds. I know there is no rush and he is not 3 until December, but it is very hard when kids his age and even younger are trained! Justin and I often joke that Avea will be potty trained before Hudson. :)

Pictures of the kids at Avonlea's birthday party.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Puddle Jumping Intentions

Well, it has only been a few short months since I decided to start a blog, but I finally took a few minutes to choose a background I like and figure out the direction I want to take this "so called" blog. My kids are everything, so I am sure that 99% of my posts will be about them. If I can be consistent enough, then I will blog about the funny, cute things they do and the milestones they reach that I love, but perhaps others may not. Then someday if there are enough entries, I plan to print it into a book to give to my kids. I am hoping that by blogging, the stories will remain just as vivid as when they happened, so my kids can one day relive it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Well I have resorted to being cliche but it is so true! Moving out of our home of over four years and back in with my parents has been an experience. On one hand I am so thankful that my parents are willing to welcome us into their home after they thought they had raised me and gotten me out! On the other hand, we left our home with so many memories including bringing both Hudson and Avonlea home to! "House shopping" is proving to be quite the roller coaster. We have found many homes we thought we could see ourselves in, make an offer, wait very impatiently on the offer and for one reason or another we still do not have a house on our radar, or at least not one that fits into our seemingly small budget. We dream to raise our family out in the country where they can learn the value or hard work, but where we can also enjoy the amazing Idaho countryside that God has blessed us with. It's a good thing the kids are so used to being at "Mema and Poppy's" as we do not actually have a physical home, but are blessed to have an amazing house to live in while we look for the "perfect" home to raise our family.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My First Puddle

I finally took the blog plunge! I will warn you in advance that I fully intend to have fun with words focused on my last name! I hope to share about my joys, difficulties, and whatever else is woven in between my stories of motherhood, married life, faith, and my endeavors. Grab your umbrella and rain boots and join me in my ''Raney'' day journeys!